MT. Vernon Medical Center


4 out of 5 stars

(5 reviews)
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En MT. Vernon Medical Center somos especialistas en cirugía facial, como rinoplastia, rejuvenecimiento del rostro, tratamientos antiarrugas, botox, estiramientos de cutis, procedimientos seguros y efectivos como la liposucción, abdominoplastia (tummy tuck), levantamiento o aumento del busto con la mejor calidad de implantes de senos. Además ofrecemos servicios integrales para: cuidado primario para niños y adultos, exámenes físicos, examen de drogas, cuidado para la mujer, Papanicolaou, examen para detección de cáncer de seno, pruebas de embarazo y planificación familiar.

Customer Reviews

Jose Martinez

1 out of 5 stars

For Syria in the eyes it does not work

Angela Howe

1 out of 5 stars

I went in because my jaw locks and I physically have to push on my jaw get it to move. Seemed once the doctor found out I wear dentures that he said nothing he can do. No advice other then get 4000 dollar give take procedure done. I am disabled and on fix income. I still have no clue what to do when it locks. Not the muscle locking up I tried to explain the jaw stopped moving. My side face swells and my ear hurts for days to a week. And make my stress worse I can only hear out of that ear. So my opinion is. If you wear dentures, take to many medications dont bother going here...

Jana Herrera

5 out of 5 stars

I recently had neck surgery and was very impressed with that experience at the St. Johns Surgery Center. Dr. Mesiwala, Nuerosurgeon, and his AA team at the surgery center work great together. From my initial phone calls with Liz and follow up calls from Liz; and all the others that communicated nicely and politely in very tight quarters. I would recommend this surgery center and Dr. Mesiwala for any surgeries needed. Thank you ALL!!!!

Terrie Halpin

5 out of 5 stars

I would recomend St. Johns to anyone having surgery!! They are so very professional and sympathetic to individual needs...i was treated amazing and the facility was so clean and organized (very important to me) Liz and Michelle were the most wonderful and caring nurses ever!!! Everyone involved in my surgery was outstanding and each person discussed with me their roles and allowed me to ask questions!! Thank you to Liz, Michelle, Sandy, Kevin, Dr. Mesiwala and the young man who tracked my neuro stuff...i apologize for not remembering your name. :( You all made a very scarey procedure so much easier for me!! Do not ever change!!! You are One Team...driven to Excellence!!

Arianna Lasusa

5 out of 5 stars

This surgery center is amazing. LIZ and the rest of the staff took care of me so well! They are the best!!
