Professional filing services


4 out of 5 stars

(5 reviews)
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Professional Filling Service, un solo lugar para todos sus trámites y necesidades legales. Ponemos a su disposición la mejor asesoría y asistencia necesaria para asegurar que sus documentos legales son preparados y presentados correctamente. Nuestros preparadores de documentos trabajan bajo la supervisión de la Bar Certified Attorneys, podemos ayudarle en acciones civiles, derecho de familia, juicios sucesorios, casos penales y apelaciones. Proporcionamos nuestros servicios de apoyo integral en todo Inland Empire y el área de San Diego. Nuestros expertos cuentan con la experiencia para ayudarle en la redacción y preparación de documentos legales, como solicitudes, apelaciones, formularios legales y mociones, ofrecemos servicios integrales de investigación para ayudar en asuntos de litigios complejos.

Customer Reviews

Nathaniel Gallo

5 out of 5 stars

The staff at this office were very nice and professional. They answered all of my questions and were able to help me in a timely manner with a very reasonable price. Ask for Cleo!

Robert Castillo

5 out of 5 stars

Wonderful service. They always keep you update on your case and will always work with you, if you communicate with them. Staff is very professional in the office. I would definitely recommend coming back if I need any legal help.

Mike Fitzgerald

4 out of 5 stars

The office was welcoming but also business was done in private.. Was reassured that the staff reiterated what I wanted accomplished.. Ms Martinez, was energetic and enthusiastic highlighting the fact that the staff are professional and diligent...

Natalie Dorame

1 out of 5 stars

They have messed up so much paperwork it’s crazy little things like dates they can’t seem to get right which is ridiculous considering the amount of money they have received. Save your money get a good lawyer and stay far away from these people. They talk good talk like they are capable of helping but they are far from it.

Roxanne Casillas

5 out of 5 stars

Staff is great! They help me with my case and guide me through all the way. Definitely will let family and friends know about them. Thank you for all your help!



597 N. La Cadena Dr
Colton CA 92324
