Lawrence Ayres and Richard Cenci LLP


4 out of 5 stars

(5 reviews)
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<h2>No se ponga en manos inexpertas</h2> En la oficina legal de Lawrence Ayres y Richard Ceci, sabemos que las leyes de inmigración y los asuntos criminales van de la mano. <em><b>Si un asunto criminal no es defendido de una manera adecuada, puede ocasionar una deportación segura.</b></em> ¡No se arriesgue! Nuestra firma legal cuenta con abogado de inmigración y asuntos criminales. Ofrecemos atención especializada en asuntos migratorios como; Cancelación de deportación, perdones, procesos consulares, visas “U” y “VAWA”, Acción Diferida (DACA-DAPA), Ciudadanía; Casos criminales: DUI, posesión de drogas, órdenes de arresto pendientes, homicidios, agresiones, violencia doméstica, y más. <b>¿Quiénes somos?</b> Lawrence Ayres y Richard Cenci han sido abogados locales del Valle Central por más 30 años. Cuentan una amplia experiencia en áreas del derecho penal y ley de inmigración. Han ayudado a miles de personas a ganar sus casos en las cortes criminales y a obtener su ‘green card”. Lawrence Ayres fue fiscal de distrito y Richard Cenci trabajó en la oficina del defensor público. El personal de la oficina trata cada asunto de manera confidencial y de manera respetuosa. Los abogados atienden personalmente a cada cliente por el tiempo que sea necesario para discutir cuidadosamente todos los aspectos potenciales que ellos tienen de ganar su caso.

Customer Reviews

Gayle McCracken

5 out of 5 stars

I met Mr. Cenci when I was in Juvenile Hall . That was a little time ago !! He was really good then, he’s absolutely The Best now !He has helped me through a lot. Very Knowledgeable and Brilliant. I would recommend him to anyone that needs a really Great Attorney. If you’re reading this Trust and Believe what I’m saying. You won’t Regret It !!!

Francisco !

5 out of 5 stars

Mr. Cenci was of great help to my wife and I throughout our immigration case. no two clients will ever present the same challenges, which means that they need to be able to adjust to each individual’s situation and use their problem solving skills in order to help them traverse any obstacles that might be in their way, and Richard was able to maneuver through many tough obstacles to ensure the best possible outcome for our case(s). I would absolutely recommend his services to anyone in need of immigration and/or criminal defense representation.

cadie ayers

1 out of 5 stars

Richard is a nice guy, but he is unorganized, he doesn’t communicate, and he doesn’t care. He is more worried about his next payment instead of your case. Trust your gut and seek someone who has the experience to take on your case and to advocate for you instead of just wanting to get out of the work.

Corina Aguirre

5 out of 5 stars

Mr. Cenci is always very helpful, professional, and approachable. His staff is great. When going to his office you know that you will be entering a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. I always recommend him to my friends and family.

Paola Cuenca

5 out of 5 stars

I have known Mr. Cenci for over 10 years. He has helped my family in many cases from personal injury to criminal defense. He is very helpful and answers any questions that we have. I highly recommend him to any one.





5740 N. Palm St, Ste. 111
Fresno CA 93704


Lunes a Viernes de 9:00am a 5:00pm Con cita solamente
